Barbell Curl
Target MusclesBiceps brachii, Brachialis. |
Starting Position
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Hold a barbell with your hands shoulder width apart, palms facing forwards.
- The bar should rest against your thighs and your arms should be fully extended.
The Movement
- Bend your elbows as you curl the bar up in a smooth arc towards your shoulders. Keep your upper arms fixed by the sides of your body.
- Hold for a count of two; then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
- Do not move your upper arms or elbows at any point of the movement.
- Keep your body absolutely still- make sure you do not lean back or swing the bar up as this will strain the back and reduce the work on the biceps.
- Keep your wrists locked.
- Lower the bar under control until your' arms are fully extended shortening or' rushing the downwards phase will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
EZ-bar curl
Arm curls can be performed using an EZ-bar instead of a straight bar.
This reduces the stress on the wrists, although it puts the biceps in a
biomechanically weaker position so they receive less stimulation.
Wide grip curl
Using a grip slightly wider than shoulder. width apart places more emphasis on the inner head of the biceps.
Narrow grip curl
Using a grip slightly narrower than shoulder. width apart places more emphasis on the outer head of the biceps.