Triceps Kickback
Target MusclesTriceps (Especially the outer and medial heads). |
Starting Position
- Hold a dumbbell in one hand.
- Bend forwards from the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor.
- Place your other hand and knee on a bench to stabilise yourself - your back should be flat and horizontal.
- Bend the working arm to 90° at the elbow and bring it up so that your upper arm is parallel to and close to the side of your body, and the dumbbell is hanging straight down below the elbow.
The Movement
- Keeping your elbow stationary, extend your arm backwards until your arm is straight and horizontal.
- Hold for a count of two; then slowly return to the starting position.
- Extend your arm under control - do not swing the dumbbell back.
- Keep your upper arm fixed - only yom forearm moves.
- Keep your lower back flat and still.
- Use a relatively light weight as the exercise is harder to perform than many people imagine.