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Straight-arm Pull-downs

Target Muscles

Lattisimus dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboids, teres major and minor.

Starting Position

  • Stand in front of a lat pull-down machine.
  • Hold the bar with your arms extended, palms facing downwards.
  • Pull down the bar to shoulder level.

The Movement

  • Keeping your arms extended, pull the bar down until it just touches your upper thighs.
  • Hold for a count of two; then slowly return
    the bar to the starting position.


  • Keep your wrists straight throughout the movement.
  • Allow a very slight bend in the elbows­
    they should not be locked.
  • Keep your body still and upright throughout the movement - you will need! to use your abdominal muscles to stabilise your torso.

Exercises for your Back Workouts.

Lat Pull-down.


One-arm Row.

Seated Cable Row.

Bent-over Barbell Row.

Straight-arm Pull-downs.

Dumbbell Shrug.

Back Extention on the Floor.

Back Extention with Swiss Ball.

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