Triceps Push-down
Target MusclesTriceps (Especially the outer and medial heads) |
Starting Position
- Attach a short, angled bar to the overhead cable of a lat machine.
- Place your hands on the bar, palms facing downwards.
- Bring the bar down until your elbows are at your sides and bent at about 90°.
The Movement
- Keeping your upper arms close to your body, press the bar down, moving only your forearms, until your arms are fully extended.
- Hold for a count of two; then slowly return
the bar to the starting position.
- Keep your elbows fixed firmly at your sides throughout the movement.
- Do not lean too far forwards.
- Keep your wrists locked and your palms facing you.
Short bar
You may use a short straight bar instead of the angled bar, although this places more strain on the wrists and forearms.