Concentration Curl
Target MusclesBiceps brachii, Brachialis. |
Starting Position
- Sit on a bench with your legs fairly wide apart.
- Hold a dumbbell with one hand and brace that arm against the inside of the same thigh.
- Your arm should be full extended and your palm should be facing the opposite thigh.
The Movement
- Slowly curl the dumbbell up in a smooth arc towards your shoulder.
- Squeeze your biceps hard at the top of th movement, hold for a count of two and then slowly lower the dumbbell back to th starting position.
- Make sure you curl the dumbbell to you shoulder and do not move your shoulder t the dumbbell. Keep your shoulder bad and relaxed.
- Do not lean backwards.
- Keep your upper arm fixed.
- Make sure you fully straighten your arm when you lower the dumbbells; do nolI shorten the downwards phase.