Losing fat has become an obsession
with today's generation. However it is important to stay lean and fit
and lose unnecessary fat in scientific manner. There have been reams of
articles written on best ways of losing fat so much so that it has
become an industry in itself. The purpose of this article is to inform
about the best way of losing fat. The most common way adopted to lose
fat is going on weight loss diet that restricts the intake of specific
foods, or food in general, to reduce body weight. The strict regimen
knocks pounds in few weeks. What works to reduce body weight for one
person need not necessarily work for another, due to metabolic
differences and lifestyle factors. Also, for various raesons 95 percent
of all people find it very difficult to maintain significant weight loss
over time.
Gaining more weight over time is more harmful to the
overall health of the body. Another problem is people end up losing
valuable muscle along with fat. This happens because they suddenly
lowered the calories significantly and did not concentrate on eating the
right balance of calories for correct fat loss.
It is important to prioritize and decide what the
ultimate goal is? The answer is that the goal should be lifelong fitness
regime and healthy body and not temporary quick fixes offered by diets.
To inculcate fitness regime one may start by taking small steps. There
are simple tips that can bring about fat loss without harming the
system. Starters should include a thirty-minute walk to the normal daily
routine and gradually build on it. Similarly they should not commit the
mistake of going on diet suddenly. Instead starting with gradual
changes in the eating habits can be more beneficial. For example order
salad instead of fries with your burger. For starters, it is advisable
to eat just 100 calories a day less than previous week's diet. Then add
to those changes until they become part of their daily routine.
In the correct diet plan, protein, carbohydrates and fat
ratios are important as they stabilize blood sugar levels, which in turn
promote the flow of energy in body and fat loss. Physical exercise
complements dieting regimen in securing effective weight loss and
achieve a fitter and leaner body. For effective fat loss, it is
important to start the day with a balanced breakfast that includes
essential carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat. Breakfast breaks the
"fast" from an overnight sleep and revs up the metabolism. Dependency
on diet alone, especially if you are over 30, will result in deprivation
as your metabolism slows down with age. The correct method is to pump
up that metabolism with exercise so you can have an occasional treat
without doing any harm. Aerobic exercise helps in maintaining good
health especially the muscular strength of the heart. Brisk walking can
also help to accomplish significant fat loss. Cardiovascular activity
combined with weight training will result in much more effective fat
Bio medical research in area of health has brought new
insights into drawbacks of fat loss tactics. Research reflects while
concentrating on fat loss one must avoid significant loss of most
powerful "fitness hormone" from body i.e. growth hormone, or HGH. In
order to increase HGH along with fat loss one must emphasize on
anaerobic sprint workouts or include activities like swimming, power
walking, running and cycling in lifestyle. This will result in fat loss
without actual loss of HGH and will make body fitter.
It is imperative to regularly monitor body weight to
avoid weight regain. Similarly it is necessary to maintain and rather
increase the water intake. From the flashpoint of water intake and fat
loss, one should be in a position where the liver is converting stored
fat to energy to boost the body metabolism. Another of liver's function
is managing the slack for the kidneys, which require great intakes of
water to work properly. If the kidneys are water-deprived, then liver is
overburdened and has to do the work of the kidneys. The liver then is
unable to metabolize fat as quickly and store up fat in the body. That's
why increased water intake helps to reduce fat.
It is important to maintain discipline. Keep up the work
and make it a lifestyle habit. This is the best way to a leaner and
fitter body.