The most significant benefit of yoga is
mental and physical therapy. By keeping the body flexible, clean and
well-lubricated, one can largely reduce the catabolic process of
deterioration of cells in the Body.
The regular practice of yoga could help in several ailments
such as digestive disorders, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis,
asthma, varicose veins and heart conditions. Several laboratory tests
had shown that the person who performs yoga has increased abilities of
consciously controlling autonomic or involuntary functions. Currently,
Research into the effects of yogic practices on HIV is under progress
with promising outcome.
According to the medical scientists, yoga therapy is
beneficial because of the balance that is created in the endocrine and
nervous systems which aims directly by influencing all the systems and
organs of the body. Yoga acts both as a preventive and curative therapy.
The essence of yoga lies in the attainment of mental peace, improvement
in the level of concentration powers in addition to a relaxed state of
living and harmony.
Through the practice of yoga, one can become aware of the
interconnection between the emotional, physical and mental levels of the
human body. Steadily this awareness leads to an understanding of the
more delicate areas of the very existence. The ultimate aim of yoga is
to make it possible to fuse together the total physical, material,
mental, intellectual and spiritual levels within oneself.
Increased overall health, energy and vitality
Greater body awareness
A stronger and leaner body
Increased flexibility with improved range of motion
Better posture
Natural weight loss
Reduced stress and tension
Improved concentration
Weight reduction.
Back pain.
High blood pressure
Yoga practice leads to an increase in the self-knowledge.
This knowledge is not merely restricted to the practical kind relating
to techniques but of a spiritual sort relating to grasp something about
the nature of the self at rest.
Through different postures of Yoga we can easily reduce
extra fat from our body. Some of the Postures stimulate sluggish glands
to increase their hormonal secretions. For example, the thyroid gland
has a big effect on our weight as it affects body metabolism. Postures
like shoulder stand and the fish posture are particular for the thyroid
gland. These Postures increase fat metabolism in the Body thereby
converting fat to muscle and energy.
1. Before beginning yoga classes, always tell your teacher
about any medical problems you have, including back and joint problems.
2. If any posture causes you pain you should stop and let your teacher know.
3. Never try difficult postures, such as head and shoulder
stands, without first being shown how to do this by a qualified teacher.
4. Women who are pregnant, or have their period, shouldn't
practice certain postures - your teacher will advise you about which
these are.
5. After a yoga class make sure that you drink plenty of water.
6. Do under a certified yoga trainer.